Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Capital Punishment

Why is it when People are Describing Their Role At Work they have to Explain it as though it is a Proper Noun?
Example: "I work in HR and my Role is to Report on Complaints as well as Manage Sickness Absence."
Well, goody. You can start by Managing this Complaint and my Sickness of Capital Letters.

I'm attending the Newborough Forest Liaison Partnership this evening. That's a proper noun for a proper title, by the way. Even so, I will be forced to read reports more slowly than usual, thanks to the abundance of capital letters.

i might start a campaign for the abolition of capital letters, on the following grounds:
people don't know how to use them anyway
we don't have them in email addresses
if there is a full stop, or the sentence starts on a new line, do we really need a capital letter?
"prime minister gordon brown" somehow looks more appropriate

now look what these damn capital letters have done. they've got me started on politics.


PMS said...

Missed you!

alison weetman said...

As usual Phil, I really enjoy reading your work as I love your sense of humour. I need a good laugh. My pet hate is the over use of initials. eg She thought she had HD with IBS so she went to the NHS and found out she had ME and PMT. sorry that's a rather silly example.

Smalley said...

Good to see you're keeping up the humour!