Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Mission Impossible

Mission statements amuse me. They're well-meaning, and most businesses find them quite useful to keep a sense of perspective to progress. But there are some statements that just don't know when to stop. Such as this one, from a charity called David Lewis Centre.

Take a deep breath:

To establish and maintain homes where persons suffering from epilepsy, other allied diseases and associated problems may receive suitable medical treatment and may enjoy the advantages of regular life with healthy surroundings and where under the necessary supervision they may according to their age and sex and condition be individually trained and suitably employed and otherwise to assist those suffering from the afforementioned complaints with the object of improving their conditions of life by such means as are thought fit including the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation.

Come on, guys. You're allowed to use more than one sentence.

Here's my personal mission statement:

To moan.

Keeps me on track, see.


PMS said...

That has to have been produced my an enthusiastic amateur trying to sound professional, or, of course, a Social Worker.

Adam said...

I know I'm delving some way back into your archive here Phil, but I really like Google's mission statement, for both the brevity and the meaning behind it. Simply: "Don't be evil".