Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Fewer, less, or under?

The supermarkets have opened a new front in the war on "fewer."

For those of you who live in a cave, or on Facebook, there's a stealth campaign underway to eradicate the word "fewer" from the English language. "Less" is indeed more, since it's used and abused everywhere, often at the expense of unfashionable "fewer". Most famously in supermarkets, with their "10 items or less" checkouts.

In a bid to obfuscate the issue even more, some supermarkets have replaced the word "less" with "under". I'm sorry, but "10 items or under" is even worse than "10 items or less". And it still begs the question, what the hell is wrong with "10 items or fewer"?

According to a learned friend of mine, "fewer" sounds too posh. Yer wot? It doesn't sound posh at all. It's just unfashionable. Like me, apparently.

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